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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Pewter Casting Trinket Boxes

Created on January 21, 2015 by Me1issa08

Students will create a small wooden box with an attached pewter casting.

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10 sessions; 45 minutes per session

•Students will investigate and practice the art of pewter casting.
•Students will design and create a pewter casting representative or inspired by nature using the casting method.

1. plaster
2. styrofoam cups
3. carving tools
4. Pewter
5. wooden boxes
6. black paint
7. silver/gold paint markers
8. two part epoxy

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

Prepare ahead of time:
Each student should have half of a cup of plaster to carve with, plus make a couple of extras for the mold's "back".
-Pour plaster into cups and let cure
-saw plaster chunks in half.

1. Students complete planning sheet, and choose their final design
2. Transfer design on to plaster piece
3. use carving tools to carve out your design. Add a sprue and air vents.
4. prepare your mold by placing the second half of the cup on the back of the mold and rubber banding your two pieces together.
5. add clay around the seam to avoid any leakage
6. heat your pewter and pour into mold.
7. file casting to remove imperfections
8. oxidize and use steel wool

With any down time:
-Choose a wooden box and paint it black

Finishing the piece:
1. glue finished pewter piece to wooden box
2. decorate with paint pens
3. complete rubric and turn in

Students will be graded based on attached rubric.

Form, Unity/Harmony


  • msmeyers 01/30/2015 at 02:58pm
    This is awesome. I never learned how to cast pewter and you make it seem doable. Thank you.

  • Me1issa08 02/06/2015 at 08:18am
    Thank you! I didn't learn until I started my current teaching position. It can be intimidating!