Making coils with clay to create a dynamic sculpture with a high student success rate!
3 Keeps,
SWBAT manipulate clay to create coils.
SWBAT to form coil to create a sculpture.
SWBAT create texture using a variety of tools.
SWBAT define clay terms: score, slip and coil.
1. Red Clay (white can be used as well)
2. Liquid Tempera Paint
3. Medium Gloss Varnish (2 parts water & 1 part varnish *depending on how shiny you'd like it)
4. Variety of clay texture tools: tooth picks, combs, doilies, forks, wooden sticks, pine cones, old bones, etc.
5. Clay slip
6. Small sponges
7. Paint brushes
8. Rudyard Kipling’s classic tale: Rikki Tikki Tavi directed by Chuck Jones (DVD - optional)
Session 1
• Introduce by Power Point with lots of information about Cobras and images
• Handout laminated King Cobra photos and spend the rest of class time sketching
Session 2
• Demonstrate how to make a coil
• Time to experiment on their own and practice
Session 3
• Demonstrate next class on how to score and slip pieces of clay together.
• Students will start to create a King Cobra
• Wrap in moist paper towels and place under secure plastic for storage
- Discuss importance of not letting it dry out
Session 4
• Students will continue working final King Cobra and utilize the texture tools to create scales
• Active monitoring on students scoring slipping
• Wrap in moist paper towels and place under secure plastic for storage.
Session 4/5
• Studio day and finish clay cobras if needed
• Allow Drying time and Fire accordingly
Session 5/6
• On a drying day show short animation “Rikki Tikki Tavi” (Rudyard Kipling’s classic tale) or read a book if you don’t have the DVD
Last two sessions – Can get messy so be well prepared (newspaper covered tables)
• Dry brush walnut brown or burnt sienna all over (I like to use tempera)
• Set aside to dry
• Next class period gently rub/sponge off paint
- The paint left in the grooves will emphasize the texture
• Dip cobra in water/varnish mix pre-made in a bucket
- This will create a nice seal and semi-gloss on the sculpture
- Place on plastic covered shelves for drying (Cut up large garbage bags to line shelves with)
*Extension: Have students have a critique session OR Write an artist statement
Create a rubric:
- Did student create a sculpture that resembles a King Cobra?
- Was the scoring and slipping done with excellent craftsmanship?
- Did the student use time wisely and in positive manner during studio time?
- Were the clay tools used in a safe and effective manner?
- The painting and varnish of the King Cobra was also done with careful craftsmanship?