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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

Flag Silhouettes

Created on March 17, 2013 by MrsImpey

This lesson incorporates silhouettes with a little bit of history about the symbolism of the American flag.

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4 sessions; 40 minutes per session

1. SWBAT discuss the symbolism of the American flag.
2. SWBAT identify works of art by Jasper Johns.
3. SWBAT write about their artwork.

1. 18"x20" tagboard or white drawing paper
2. tempera paint (white, blue, red, black)
3. painting supplies
4. pencils
5. light projector
6. writing paper

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

Day 1: Look at examples of Jasper Johns artwork and talk about the symbolism of the flag. Have students draw a Jasper Johns inspired drawing.

Day 2: Pair up. Demonstrate how to trace a silhouette using a light source. Have students trace each other on large paper. When finished, they should return to their tables to paint the flag inside their silhouette.

Day 3: Paint around the silhouette with black paint

Day 4: Brainstorm words about the flag and write them on the board. Have students write five sentences about the flag. Mount on black paper to display together.

1. Check out our silhouettes and paragraphs on our Artsonia gallery:

Before we did these silhouettes, we actually completed these Jasper Johns flags. These two projects were part of a flag unit I did with 2nd grade, however you could use the lessons apart from each other:


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[K-4] Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories
[K-4] Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Visual Arts Standard 2:
Using knowledge of structures and functions

[K-4] Students use visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas
[K-4] Students describe how different expressive features and organizational principles cause different responses

Visual Arts Standard 3:
Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

[K-4] Students select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning
[K-4] Students explore and understand prospective content for works of art

Visual Arts Standard 4:
Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

[K-4] Students know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various cultures
[K-4] Students identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

Jasper Johns

American Art, Symbolism


History/Social Studies