One of the walls in my from has been covered with raw linoleum (kind of like cork board). We (conned my husband into helping me!) painted the entire wall with black paint. We actually used a good quality flat black instead of using the super more expensive blackboard paint. Once painted, it made an AWESOME BLACKBOARD DISPLAY for our art work. It is covered with great projects throughout the year. I tack or staple the works up then use chalk to label all of the work. I've also decorated the wall with art quotes (in chalk as well). I just use a wet cloth to wipe off old labels and write up new ones. At the end of the year, my students take all their artwork down from all over the classroom. They are then allowed to write "see-ya later" notes for the summer on the awesome wall. Our custodians do a wonderful job of cleaning the wall during the summer. If there are any spots that need to be touched up before school starts, I hit them before our first day back. The black background really goes well with all of our art and the students love seeing everyone's art constantly displayed. This could be done in any classroom or hallway. I'd like our art hall to have a section of this stuff!