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Technology [Question]

Digital Student Portfolios

Started on Sep 03, 2012 by jfrisco
Last post on Jun 15, 2014

What is the BEST way to create and maintain digital portfolios for students? I really want to do this!

3 Keeps, 0 Likes, 4 Comments

  • RookieTeacher 09/06/2012 at 06:26pm
    It was recommended to me recently to use for this purpose. I have signed up for an account, but haven't gotten much farther to say whether I am going to like it or not. But the experienced teacher who told me about it swears by it.

  • jfrisco 09/07/2012 at 04:52am
    I would love to know how your source person uses it for online student portfolios. I have an account also...but I'm trying to figure it out. :)

  • cre8rt 10/10/2012 at 08:07pm
    I use google sites. I think it is pretty easy. I do teach HS so I can have my students do the work. Our school uses google apps so I have students turn written work in using goggle docs and we can upload from there. I have the take digital photos which we import in the mac lab and then they upload from iphoto to googlesites
    This my second year and it seems simple enough to me. There are also tons of tutorials to help you along.

  • Scorchard 06/15/2014 at 11:27pm
    I try to photograph every summative project and keep it in a DropBox account. The downside is that students have no way of viewing their portfolio until it is time to write their reflective paper (I create a shared folder on my Mac so they can access their work on the computer lab Macs).

    The upside is that it completely protects student privacy.

    The Fine Arts Department here (two music teachers and two art teachers) makes it a goal to upload at least one photograph of student artwork/video clip of student performance and a scan of each student's reflective paper and scoring rubric every year. This means that in a few years we'll have students who can look back to their elementary work in either discipline and see how they've grown musically/artistically.