Youth Art Month
Started on Feb 17, 2013 by greengal1
Last post on Oct 16, 2013
Youth Art Month (March) is a few weeks away. How do you celebrate Youth Art Month in your school, district, community or state wide?
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MrsImpey 02/19/2013 at 04:06pm
This is my first year for YAM. I will be doing a few things:
1. The firt week will be a spirit week:
Monday: Wear primary colors
Tuesday: Wear secondary colors
Wednesday: Wear complementary colors
Thursday: Wear a warm or cool colored outfit
Friday: Crazy pattern day.
2. The second Friday of the month will be dress like a piece of pop art (wear popular clothing, logos, stripes and polka-dots, etc.).
3. The third Friday will be a big dress-up day. Dress like your favorite artwork/artist. I will be sending home a packet with students to give them ideas (dress in black with bald head for Jackson Pollock, uni-brow and floral dress for Frida Kahlo, etc.).
4. I am asking that each Elementary teacher read a book to their class about an artist and do an activity based on that artist in class. Then, I will do a follow-up art project in art class based on that artist.
5. I will have the YAM logo on one of the school bulletin boards where students and faculty will have the opportunity to write what their favorite/most memorable experience is/was from art class.
6. I will have a daily art trivia question. Winners will receive a sketchbook.'
Next year I hope to be able to plan well enough in advance to have a parent/student art night at school in our gym!
RuthByrne 02/28/2013 at 08:10am
Very cool, I love the interactive display ideas, giving kdis and teachers a moment to reflect on art experiences.
We always just have our art show during April, It's a huge event, but it doesn't really focus on YAM per say.
ITeachArtnTX 02/28/2013 at 03:06pm
We are very fortunate that our local Art Museum dedicates the entire month of March to our schools' artwork. Thousands come to see the show, and I'm sure borrow some ideas. Our Administration Building is also filled with Elementary art. Receptions are held at the Museum for the kids and their families, and they come dressed in their Sunday best for photos. It is a very exciting time for us and the kids, as it is a great honor to have their work selected for the show.
CreativeFreckles 10/16/2013 at 07:16am
We have a community art gallery that features local students during this time. Each art teacher picks approx. 4 pieces per class (elementary level) and they go into the art show. It's difficult with multiple buildings and nearly 700 students. We mat and hang all of the work. It is a ton of work, and lots of extra hours after school, but the kids really love seeing their work and the kids' faces who are chosen...they just light up when they find out their artwork is going to hang in a "real" gallery!
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