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Advocacy [Conversation]

Nurturing Creativity

Started on Oct 20, 2011 by jonstewARTrocks
Last post on Jul 24, 2012

Has anyone seen Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk on creativity in schools? (Link, if not: He gives a thoughtful, impassioned plea for the nurturing of creativity. How do you feel about this issue? In what ways do you promote creativity and originality in an ever-increasingly standardized environment?

3 Keeps, 6 Likes, 3 Comments

  • jonstewARTrocks 10/20/2011 at 03:29am
    I'm an editor (so, not an art educator), but I find this to be the case in many non-education work settings as well.

  • imagiNATION 10/26/2011 at 11:32pm
    Very enjoyable video. What a ham.
    As for his stance, I very much agree. With Common Core (a new set of educational standards/tests many states are picking up) they are starting to drive toward Project Based learning a bit more, which supports creativity much better than any system thus far has. However, like most things education, the standards are only based in literature and math at the moment so the arts remain unclear leaving their inclusion wholly up to interpretation of the teacher/school district.
    Also, love the story about the dancer. Makes me think about some of my students...

  • Jenncook678 07/24/2012 at 09:00pm
    I have seen this video many times before now and it has come up in a few PLC sessions with other art educators.

    Personally, I think technology is partially to blame. Kids are increasingly becoming over saturated with digital media. Furthermore, in most instances the media is shown at such a high frame rate that students (and adults alike) are mindless receptacles of all this information. There is no time for processing or questioning what is being seen.

    Now don't get me wrong, I think technology has opened whole new venues for us as educators and people. Some of its applications are priceless. Nevertheless, it appears (to me) that it has also robbed us of some of the imagination that is part of being a developing child.

    It is important to me to provide choices in the classroom. I'm often met with resistance when I first introduce choice in the classroom, students are not confident in their abilities and do not feel as though they are capable of making "the right" choice. It is important to show them that you value their mistakes just as highly as their best moments. For me I try to demonstrate that the true learning is in the process not the product. It's okay to expirament.