Drawing adaptation?
Started on Sep 21, 2015 by Me1issa08
Last post on Jan 26, 2016
What are some ways to differentiate/adapt still life drawing to ensure success for students with disabilities?
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IzzyArt 10/15/2015 at 07:03pm
That's a really great question. It depends on the student, obviously, but something that I've found that works as a quick in-class modification, is having tracers handy. I have a few apple tracers that I made a few years ago to help my younger students understand overlapping, and these also work with my older students when drawing a still-life. I always leave it up to the student though- if they are fine with trying to draw what they see, that's fine with me. (I'm thinking elementary level, sorry if you're thinking older.)
Me1issa08 10/27/2015 at 06:48am
I didn't see your comment until just now. My high school drawing II class did a fruit still life with colored pencil. I had my special ed student create a candy still life on a gridded background, and then we drew a grid on his paper. He was able to place the candy in the right place, but we are still struggling with color mixing and coloring with value... Still learning here!
paintpeace 12/12/2015 at 06:56pm
I just did a project with my high school students, which I should post. It was very engaging and successful. I made black and white photocopies of photographs or adaptable paintings (Frida Kahlos still life with parrot is iconic). Then with CARBON PAPER they drew over the photocopy onto drawing paper. (Tape it down on one side!). Then with Colored Pencil they colored it in- the lesson was in color mixing and using complimentary color for contrasting objects (or easier to explain- warm colored fruit against a cool colored background). My most reluctant students sort of completed the project.
DebEittreim 01/26/2016 at 04:59pm
And for some it is a study in trying to draw and not get frustrated. Letting the student pick out an object or two to set up at his space and having a frame or a ruler to use as a mahl stick to use helps some. For others it's easier for me to first sketch the basic, broad shapes then let them sketch in the details. You will also notice that no matter what, some kids are not able to differentiate or see variations of shading within shadows and highlights. Has little to do with color blindness. Some have discrete motor skill deficits that preclude any fine work. For those with severe visual discrepancies draw by feeling, and they may be able to feel or smell colors if you have a bright light or a paper they can color and smell. I have a magnifier that kids can set up a still life and look through. It's the participation and trying that counts.
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