ArtGirl 10/22/2011 at 02:02pm
I teach in the Denver area, and have for the past 20 years now. But, what I like about this web site is that we can think globally (as opposed to locally) now.
I've taught for public schools, colleges, and am now in a private school (for the past 7 years.) I really am loving teaching at a small, self funded school because they have their own agenda, and don't need to rely on the funding that public schools get. The focus is on character development for our students, as opposed to the test scores is was always on at public schools. Don't get me wrong, my students do very well on standardized tests. (Much higher than public schools do.) It's just not what we focus on. We focus on things like integrity, honesty, friendship, etc. It is a much less stressful place to work.