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Middle [6th-8th] Lesson Plan

Wayne Thiebaud oil pastel

Created on January 31, 2014 by joannemb

Using the work of Wayne Thiebaud as inspiration, students layer oil pastels to create masterpieces using sweets and cakes as their subject matter, with a strong emphasis on light and shadow.

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1.) The students will be able to accurately describe Theibaud’s unique style in their artist statement.
2.)The students will express their own personal opinions on Thiebaud’s work, answering the questions: What is the purpose of art? What is the purpose of Theibaud’s art?
3.)The students will effectively re-create Thiebaud’s unique style (utilizing texture with the oil pastels and prominent shadows)
4.) The students will use complementary colors, tints and shades to create depth, shadows and highlights.

1.) Black construction paper
2.) Photographs/visuals of sweets
3.) Oil pastels

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Day 1 (40 minute periods)

Learning Target:
What: We are learning about the artist Wayne Thiebaud
How: We will watch a powerpoint presentation on his life and work and watch a brief video about him.
Why: We will see what WE can learn as artists from Thiebaud. What can we take away from his style?

1.) Introduce students to Thiebaud. A powerpoint presentation will include background on his life and work. A short 10 minute youtube video will also give them a sense of his life and work
Essential questions:
Why do you think Thiebaud picked pastries/cakes/food as his subject matter? Why do you like or dislike his art? Does art have to have meaning to be good? What is the purpose of art?

Day 2
Learning Target:
What: We are drawing a composition that uses food as the subject matter in the style of Wayne Thiebaud
How: We will use visuals to help us get as much accuracy as possible

Students begin their thumbnail sketches (using a visual.) I will have several photographs of food printed off for the students to use.

Day 3
Students draw their final copy onto black paper in pencil.

Day 4
Demonstration: Oil pastels

Learning Target
What: We are creating highlights and shadows in our work inspired by Thiebaud’s approach.
How: By layering warm colors to create highlights and cool colors to create shadows
Why: To create visual interest in our work.

Introduction---Light and the prism. White light is all colors. Link to Science and their experience with the Spectroscope/Prism. When held up to white light, what did they see? (The rainbow) That is why when you are creating highlights on your objects, they can be yellow, pink, orange, etc. Shadows can appear blue or violet. We don’t need to think purely in terms of black and white when applying shadows and highlights. Notice how Thiebaud approached the color white in his paintings: Shadows appear as cool colors like blue and violet (rather than simply black) and highlights are represented with warm colors like pinks, peaches, and yellows (not simply white.)

Show them how to mix colors, start with a base coat, choose a side for your light source and add cool colors as shadows, warm colors as highlights.

Be sure to layer the oil pastels, and apply them thick so that your piece is highly textured much in the way Thiebaud painted with his oil paint.

Students continue with the oil pastels for about the next 4 class periods concentrating on layering colors to create shadows and highlights.

See attached rubric


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[5-8] Students select media, techniques, and processes; analyze what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas; and reflect upon the effectiveness of their choices
[5-8] Students intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experiences and ideas

Visual Arts Standard 2:
Using knowledge of structures and functions

[5-8] Students generalize about the effects of visual structures and functions and reflect upon these effects in their own work

Visual Arts Standard 3:
Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

[5-8] Students use subjects, themes, and symbols that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values, and aesthetics that communicate intended meaning in artworks

Visual Arts Standard 4:
Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

[5-8] Students know and compare the characteristics of artworks in various eras and cultures
[5-8] Students describe and place a variety of art objects in historical and cultural contexts

Visual Arts Standard 5:
Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

[5-8] Students compare multiple purposes for creating works of art

Visual Arts Standard 6:
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines

[5-8] Students describe ways in which the principles and subject matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated with the visual arts

Wayne Thiebaud

Pop Art

Color/Value, Contrast, Texture

