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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Text Object

Created on March 03, 2014 by Scorchard

Using Photoshop, students will create objects using text

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5 sessions; 40 minutes per session

1. SWBAT create complex artworks using the text tool
2. SWBAT create artworks that demonstrate an understanding of shape
3. SWBAT define implied line

1. computers
2. Adobe Photoshop (or GIMP?)
3. Printers

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

Day 1 – Introduction, Tool Typography Start
• Describe the project, show the students an example
• The students are to find a large image of a tool (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, etc) on a white background if possible
• They are to create a new document that is US Letter and paste this tool onto it
• Demonstrate using the pre-made example how the students are to go about creating the silhouette of their tool using the text and warp tools

Days 2 – 5 – Tool Typography Work
• Students will be working on their tool typography project

Days 6 – 10 – Five other Objects
• Students are to choose at least five other objects to create text silhouettes out of

Students will be assessed using the attached rubric


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[9-12 Proficient] Students conceive and create works of visual art that demonstrate an understanding of how the communication of their ideas relates to the media, techniques, and processes they use
[9-12 Proficient] Students apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artworks
[9-12 Advanced] Students initiate, define, and solve challenging visual arts problems independently using intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation

Pop Art

Shape, Unity/Harmony
