The classic kindergarten jungle pictures take on new depths when combined with the NGA's flash jungle
7 Keeps,
Students will create jungle habitats and animals using paper collage techniques (shapes) and common symbols for plants and animals.
Students will identify the theme of Rousseau's art works.
Students will use online software to create jungle scenes
1.Review the theme of Rousseaus art work and his insistance on using his imagination to compose his pictures
2. Demonstrate some art making/collaging techniques for the final project.
3. Distribute Green 12x18 paper and allow students to use scrap papers, glue and scissors to build a habitat for their animals.
4. Allow some students to use the online jungle building resource to gather ideas for their jungle.
5. Distribute student work and allow students to use scrap papers, glue and scissors to build a habitat for their animals.
6. Allow some students to use the online jungle building resource to gather ideas for their jungle.
7. Demonstrate how to draw animals using simple shapes discuss with students what characters they might include in their jungles and how they will interact
Rubric including
-Building plants with scrap paper shapes
-Building Animals with shapes
-Relating animals and telling a story with their art.