I use this lesson to review free form and geometric shapes, gluing skills and to teach about the artist Matisse.I also like to pair this lesson with a Picasso Lesson and show Storyline Online (WHEN PIGASOO MET MOOTISE)
17 Keeps,
I can create and identify organic and geometric shapes.
I can use glue properly.
I can learn about the artist Henri Matisse
Day 1: Review geometric and organic shapes. Introduce students to the artist Henri Matisse and look at some of his cutouts. Share clip of Matisse cutting... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlnBcaZEGb0
Begin cutting geometric shapes for background.
Day 2: Review shapes and Matisse. Continue cutting geometric shapes and glue on background. Then begin cutting organic shapes. Demonstrate how to cut geometric shapes such as a spiral. Glue down shapes.
Day:3 Finish adding shapes and prepare work for display. Students can draw an arrow on the back to show what direction they would like their picture to hang. Sign collage with sharpie.
Can students identify the difference between geometric and organic shapes? Did they use glue properly? Did they follow directions?