Students will create comic book typography by creating sound effects you would see in comics. Then explain what a comic books letterer's job consist of.
5 Keeps,
5 sessions; 30 minutes per session
1. SWBAT describes what a comic book letterer's job is.
2. SWBAT provide samples from comic books and explain why they work.
3. SWBAT create comic book typography along with thumbnail sketches of their work.
1. Paper
2. Markers
3. Colored pencils
4. Watercolor
5. Ink pens
6. Comic book scans (from the internet or physical copies.)
1. Write a paragraph about what a comic book letterer's job is and why it's important.
2. Using the internet or comic books you have on hand collect samples of the words used for "sound effects". On a sheet of paper write about why they work for the scenes.
3. Next think of some words (atleast 3) that you would use for sound effects. Sketch thumbnails of them to be turned in later. (Try out different ways of making the words look just the way they would sound.)
3. Pick your favorites from the thumbnails (one for each word) and get to drawing. The colors you choose is just as important as the way you decide to draw your letters.