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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

One-Point Perspective Cityscape Drawings

Created on January 28, 2015 by artmeiro

A basic introduction to perspective.

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The student will:
1. Analyze the different strategies used by artists to create the illusion of space in an artwork.
2. Be introduced to the concept of perspective.
3. Review the different strategies used by artists to create the illusion of space in an artwork by participating in a class discussion.
4. Create an example of one-point perspective using shapes or letters.
5. Create a final one point perspective drawing of an imaginary cityscape.

12 x 18 drawing paper

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1. Students will take a piece of drawing paper, a pencil and a ruler.
2. They will create a horizon line across the middle of the page, horizontally.
3. Students will choose a place on the horizon line for their vanishing point.
4. Students will choose at least three shapes or letters to “explode”
5. Students will use the ruler to connect each corner to the vanishing point.
6. They will then mirror the shape father back on the line and create their three dimensional letter/shape.

see rubric