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Multiple Level Classroom

Organized Art room

Created on March 16, 2015 by paintpeace

Organizing art supplies for large classes all day is doable and satisfying. A place for everything and everything in its place. A potpouri of storage ideas.

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1.Paint supply shelf (in teachers closet)with brushes, tempera, acrylic and watercolor paint, stored in teacher closet. Tempera Paint is poured into babyfood jars, set in a plastic meat tray, and each table of 4 gets one or two trays. Other shelves for drawing supplies and paper, still life objects, clay tools and sculpture materials, printmaking materials, crafts, office supplies, adhesives and collage supplies.
2. Materials table in classroom for student access. (Rulers, colored pencils, scissors and glue)
3. Free-Standing whiteboards with simplified directions, Do Now, Learning Target, Due Date, Agenda and Homework.
4. File Box with projects, handouts, resources and references filed alphabetically.