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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan


Created on March 30, 2015 by paintpeace

Stippling amazed the students. Its an excellent project for reinforcing how powerful values are when added to an ink drawing.

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5 sessions; 45 minutes per session

Objective- to create an ink drawing, representing or symbolizing something that matters to you, and adding value, (shading), with the stipple (dot) technique.

1.thick white drawing paper
2.pencil, eraser
3.ultra fine sharpie or equivalent pen (Micron,Flair,etc).
4. Calendar Photographs (of animals) to copy

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1.To draw from photo, lay a clear grid of 1/2" squares over photo (made on photocopy machine.
2.Lightly rule paper with ruler (1-1.25" wide squares) and pencil.
3. In pencil, Transfer image using the grid method, one square at a time. Map out values of light, medium and dark areas.
4. Instead of drawing lines, STIPPLE using an ink pen. Resting your hand on the table and Holding the pen close to the paper begin dotting.
5. Dot all areas with values with a light value. Go over the areas to be darkened with more dots. Complete with the darkest areas by adding more dots.

1. Does you Drawing uses more than half the space of the paper? _____
2. Did you use a range of 4-5 values using the stipple technique?__
3. Are Dotted lines evenly spaced?___
4. Are Pencil lines erased neatly and thoroughly?___

Referring to your blue worksheet, explain in detail how your drawing illustrates "what matters to you". ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What surprised you about this project?

If you did a project like this for another class (English, history, science, foreign language, etc), what would you draw?

Reflecting on your effort- (persistence, experimentation, attitude), how would you grade yourself 10. Extraordinary, I amazed myself. 9. I am proud of my work. 8. This is ordinary and Good 7. Good start, needs more work
6. Unfinished because ______________________________________.

If permanent ink is used, a light watercolor wash can be applied. Many of my students did not want to purchase their own pen, and I had inherited a large assortment of dip pens and nibs a few years ago-- so I taught how to use that type of pen, dipped in india ink.


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[9-12 Proficient] Students apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artworks

Georges Seurat, Paul Signac



