Rubric for assessing growth Kindergarten students show in portraits from beginning of the year to end of the year.
13 Keeps,
1. SWBAT draw a detailed portrait including all necessary body parts and facial features with correct positioning.
2. SWBAT show growth in portrait drawing from beginning of the year to end of the year.
1. Rubrics (printed front and back)
2. Drawing paper or copy paper (I used a half sheet copy paper each time so the BOY and EOY portraits could be mounted side by side at the end to show growth and become a keepsake.
3. Pencils
4. Crayons
5. Mirrors- optional
Beginning of Year
1. Pre-Assessment (10-20 minutes): Without reviewing, give students a piece of paper and ask them to draw a portrait, a picture of a person, to the best of their ability with their paper turned vertically. (You can determine self-portrait or just any person).
2. Students may start with a pencil and then use crayons to add color.
3. Ask students to write their names on the FRONT of their paper (this will show growth in handwriting from BOY to EOY.)
Middle of the Year
1. Teach a portrait lesson sometime in the year.
-Focus on all of the body parts, encouraging students to stand, touch/point to, and move each body part you discuss. Ex: Our arms can move at the shoulder and at the elbow. We need our arms to be able to move so we can throw a ball and use a fork. We have hands at the end of our arms and we can wiggle our fingers around to wave hello, pick up toys and tools, etc.)
-Repeat review with facial features. (We need eyes to see, a nose to smell yummy food, etc.)
-Talk about how details and backgrounds can make a portrait more interesting and give more information.
-Talk about how our faces can show different expressions.
2. Throughout the year when it is applicable, review body parts and facial features.
End of Year
1. Post-Assessment: (30-40 minutes)
-Review portraits, body parts/positioning, facial features, etc.
-Give students a piece of paper the same size as pre-assessment drawing and ask them to draw their best portrait with their paper turned vertically, using pencil and crayon.
-Optional to give students mirrors. Don't require the use of a mirror at this age.
-Ask students to write their names on the FRONT of their portraits.
-After the drawings are complete,use rubric to assess and show growth.
-Optional: Mount BOY and EOY drawings side by side so that growth is more evident. Staple rubric to back and send home as a keepsake.
I took the rubric developed in my former school district's elementary art PLC and revised it to add an "advanced" column and a category about aesthetics. If you have feedback, PLEASE share! The former rubric was a great tool for showing growth on it's own, but I wanted to be able to assess artistic choices and show more growth for students who were already pretty advanced at the beginning of the year.