1. Using a pencil draw your initials in the center of the paper. Make them fat and wide because they will be filled with a checkerboard pattern in step 3.
2. With a ruler and pencil make straight vertical and horizontal lines creating a checkerboard pattern on the paper. Leave the area inside your initials empty. This will act as the background for the project.
3. Inside your initials create a checkered pattern, but with curved lines instead of straight.
4. Choose two colors. Starting with the background begin filling each square with a color, alternating between the two.
5. Next do the same to the inside of your initials using the same colors.
6. Finish the drawing off by creating a shadow. With a charcoal pencil shade around the bottom parts of your initials, blending it out with a blending stump.
7. Once done have the students sign their names on the back and turn in.
A simple fun project that can be done with minimal art supplies.
Visual Arts Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
[K-4] Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
Op Art, Abstract Art
Rhythm/Pattern, Contrast, Color/Value
Colored Pencil, Charcoal, Marker, Mixed Media
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