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Middle [6th-8th] Lesson Plan

Continuous Line Drawing

Created on October 21, 2017 by OneToughCookie

With a pen and a sheet of paper, students will create a continuous line drawing by keeping their pen on the surface of the paper until they are done. This fun & quick drawing exercise helps build confidence with their pen strokes and also their hand-eye coordination.

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1 session; 15 minutes per session

1. SWBAT create a drawing in ink without lifting the pen from the paper.

2. SWBAT develop confidence with their pen strokes when making art.

1. Drawing paper or sketchbook

2. Ink pen

3. Reference photo

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Select a photo to draw from magazines, books or the internet.

2. Once you've chosen your subject place pen to paper and begin drawing your subject, making sure not to lift the pen off the page until the drawing is complete. (To help create shadows and line weight go over the same area multiple times.)

This makes a great drawing exercise before starting any project or to help get out of an art block.

Drawing, Ink