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Elementary [1st-5th] Lesson Plan

Virtual Learning Idea: Winter

Created on June 30, 2022 by lightARTed

Virtual learning ideas for winter. Build a snowman Toilet paper roll snowman Coffee filter snowflakes How to draw winter/Christmas themed videos

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Students choose one assignment for each day they are at home for virtual learning.
Students must take initiative to complete the assignment and turn it in on time.
Students make a piece of art that is winter related.

I usually post several of these ideas and let students choose which project they would like to do as it depends what materials they may have at home and what their parents allow them to do. Which ever assignments they choose students usually take a picture and email it to me for credit.

***Do you want to build a snowman? If there is snow, dress warm and go outside to build a snowman!!!

***How to draw a snowman or winter/holiday subject matter: for my students who love to draw I post a variety of winter/holiday themed videos, many from Art for Kids Hub YouTube channel. My students take their Chromebooks home so they have access to videos I post for them on our school's online communication site.

***Coffee Filter Snowflakes: all you need is a coffee filter and a pair of scissors!
1. Fold the coffee filter in half 3 times until you get the shape of a triangle.
2. Cut out shapes from all 3 sides of your triangle.
3. Unfold your snowflake carefully and see what design you get!

***Toilet Paper Roll Snowman:
1. Cut white paper and glue it around the paper roll. School glue or glue sticks should work fine. You could use copy paper, construction paper, or drawing paper. Even the backside of Christmas wrapping paper can be used if it is white.)
2. Cut a strip of colored paper or ribbon for the scarf and a carrot shape nose out of orange paper. You could also draw the scarf and nose in with markers.
3. Draw eyes, mouth and buttons with a black marker.
4. To add a hat, use black construction paper or draw a hat on white paper, and color it in with a black marker. Cut it out and glue it the front of your snowman’s head.
5. You could also use googly eyes, real buttons, pipe cleaners, pomp oms,, and anything else you can think of!

***Salt Dough Snowman! Check your kitchen cabinets to form this 3D Frosty with flour, salt, and water!
1. First ask a parent if you are allowed to make this project using items you may have in the kitchen.
2. Follow the recipe instructions to make your dough.
• 1/2 cup salt
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/2 cup water
This is a ratio of 1 part salt, 2 parts flour and 1 part water. Combine the flour, salt, and water in a bowl. Knead the dough with your hands until it feels like Play-Doh. You may need to add a little more water or a little extra flour to get the dough just right. Too much water and the snowman won’t hold its shape, too much flour and it can dry and crack.

3. Form 3 dough balls, one small, one medium, and one large.
4. Use straws, tooth picks, or sticks to attach the 3 snowballs to form the body. Large on the bottom, medium in the middle, and the smaller one on top for the head.
5. Now decorate!! What can you find around your house to use for the eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, arms, scarf, or hat?