RVArtist 02/20/2015 at 08:16pm
... and if you do well enough with your Artsonia sales you can use it to pay for your NAEA dues!
http://www.arteducators.org/ The National Art Eduction Association (NAEA) is a fantastic resource that I have used In the past year. It is a site you have to pay for but it come with a free Artsonia membership (another website with awesome lesson plans and student work galleries). NAEA is a professional learning community where all people art indeed come together for the good of the students. They have a yearly conference with fantastic PD sessions (I hope to attend in the near future). They also offer wonderful periodicals, with a variety of topics, that you can subscribe to. I have found it to be a relevant and educational resource for teachers of any age group. I hope you enjoy it too.
RVArtist 02/20/2015 at 08:16pm
... and if you do well enough with your Artsonia sales you can use it to pay for your NAEA dues!