Students view a variety of trees from Art History to learn that they don't have to look the same to be "good" then make their own trees. The students paint with sticks, twigs, and fingers- no brushes allowed!
24 Keeps,
2 sessions; 40 minutes per session
1. The students will view and discuss a variety of tree images from Art History.
2. The students will use black tempera paint to "draw" a tree in the style of their choice with a twig, a popsicle stick, or both.
3. The students will use crayon to add color and texture to the background.
4. The students will use primary colored tempera paint to add color and details to their trees painting with one finger.
1. 8x10 inch white paper
2. Pencils and erasers (for names only, not for drawing)
3. Tempera paint- black, red, yellow, blue, white
4. Non paint brush tools- popsicle sticks and twigs
5. Crayons
1. Introduction
-Show examples of trees from Art History
-Discuss different media, styles, symbols, etc.
2. "Draw" Trees
-no pencils or paintbrushes
-with black tempera paint and a twig or popsicle stick, draw tree trunk and branches in style of choice
3. Add background color using crayon
4. Add foliage and details
-paint with ONE finger only
-start with primary colored tempera paint + white for mixing