Students read the book, "The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush" by Tommie dePaola and create a series of Indian paintbrush flowers using watercolor.
16 Keeps,
3 sessions; 50 minutes per session
1. Students will understand what an illustrator does through the work of Tomie dePaola.
2. Students will demonstrate paint brush techniques in the creation of an Indian paintbrush wildflower.
3. Students will understand what a legend is in literature and write their own legend about how their wildflower flower got its name.
Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, by Tomie dePaola
Teacher-made PowerPoint
Watercolor Paper
Watercolor and brushes
Writing Paper
various pictures of wildflowers and their names
Class 1 and 2
1. Read the story Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, by Tomie dePaola
2.Show PowerPoint of actual flowers, demonstrate brush stroke technique to create the flowers.
3. Students paint 3 paintbrush flowers on 3 different pieces of paper.
Classes 3-6
After having created their Indian Paintbrush flowers students choose a different wildflower and write a legend about how that flower got its name. They may then create another watercolor painting to go with it. Art teachers may want to involve classroom teachers to do the writing portion or if their is access to laptops or a computer lab allow students to write stories on the computer. For younger grades: while students are painting you may want to have one student at a time dictate to you their story.