3 sessions; 50 minutes per session
1. Students learn about macaws and the rain forest.
2. Students demonstrate watercolor techniques in the creation of macaws in the rain forest.
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1. Add a literature component by reading one or both of these books: "Parrot Tico Tango" by Anna Witte and "Papagayo" by Gerald McDermott.
2. Introduce lesson with Powerpoint giving students background on macaws and the rainforest.
3. Demonstrate drawing lightly and watercolor techniques.
4. Students paint their majestic macaws with watercolor.
I had to take out a lot of slides to upload it so you may want to add more facts and photos of macaws and the rain forest.
This lesson is great to combine with any grade level studying the rain forest and animals.
You may also connect it with Henri Rousseau and his famous jungle paintings.