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High [9th-12th] Lesson Plan

Scientific Image Collagraph of Space

Created on November 18, 2012 by jafergus

Students will print 4 collagraph prints from a layered matrix based in a scientific image. After selecting an image in a magazine or old text book of a scientific or medical picture, he/she will create a sketchbook drawing of shapes then cut the shapes from various flat, yet textured materials then build a printing plate.

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8 sessions; 50 minutes per session

SWBT select an image based on shapes and make related choices of materials to best communicate the shapes.
SWBT craft a matrix of foreground, mid-ground, back ground that is balanced.
SWBT print the image 4 or more times by hand pulling and running through the press.
SWBT relate the process to the making of parts to a whole after the image has been printed.

1. 5"x7" pieces of sturdy cardboard or chip board, heavy mat board
2. Small pieces of fabric, rickrack, sand, textured papers, watercolor paper scrapes, paper plates or any other somewhat flat material that creates a pattern or texture.
3. Gesso (several small jars to be shared)
4. Sponge brushes
5. Polycryl or Polyurethane
6. 9"x12" Duralar sheets
7. 12"x18" Newsprint
8. Masking Tape
9. Intaglio Ink (Aqua Color soy based is best)
10. Brayers
11. Putty knifes or small bits of mat board scraps (for spreading ink)
12. Tarlatan (or some stiff fabric for ink removal)
13. Baby Wipes (optional but terrific)
* Old text books or magazines for resource images

Need these materials? Visit Blick!

1. Introduce Henry Moore's organic works for shape, and Cy Twombly's more organic abstractions. Each artist uses shapes and layers to create images. Students will think about scientific imagery and compare organic art images of these artists.
2. Choose images from old text books or magazines. (Session 1- 50 minutes)
3. Sketch images onto sketch book. Be certain to see the image in shapes. (example: Illustration of a cell, or picture of a snake)
4. Using pieces of textured materials cut each drawn shape into a separate piece of fabric. Large shapes should be underneath medium shapes and detail shapes should go on top. Place your cut shapes into a ziplock baggie with your name on it.(Session 2- 50 minutes).
5. At the lab table adhere your shapes (begin with the largest background shapes FIRST) to your card board matrix backing.
6. Apply the next layers in the mid-ground.
7. Apply the detail areas in the foreground.
Allow the plate to dry throughly for 24 hours. (Session 3-50 minutes)
8. Press down on the matrix at the beginning of class. If gesso squishes out, another day will be necessary for drying.
9. Prepare the template

Students assess via the attached rubric.
-Also, after placing the best print from the print edition on the board they discuss where each student experienced success.

Maritza Davila at Memphis College of Art taught me this printmaking technique. She is a champ at it.
-I do not allow students to put art images in the trash. Rather, they place them in their sketchbooks with notes on improvements.

-Do contact me with questions.
