1. Read the Scholastic art magazine issue on Greek pottery, or show a slideshow of images and discuss the characteristics, functions and history of Greek pottery.
2. Use a pencil to draw at least 3 Greek vases. The kids use a reference sheet of vase shapes to draw their vases. I encourage them to include overlapping and to draw vases in a variety of sizes and heights.
3. Lightly color in the vases with chalk pastels. Lay the colors down and then rub in with a tissue or finger. Experiment with layering colors and adding shadows/shading for depth. The kids can choose any colors they would like.
4. Use black Sharpie markers to add designs to the vases. I passed out copies of Greek imagery from Ancient Greek Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Students are assessed in a narrative statement on their end of semester report. Did the student...
1. compose a picture with at least three vases in a variety of sizes/heights?
2. fill the space to create a balanced design?
3. attempt shading and shadows to show depth in their picture?
4. experiment with blending and layering colors with chalk pastels?
5. incorporate designs inspired by ancient Greek imagery?
Visual Arts Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
[K-4] Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
[K-4] Students know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes
[5-8] Students intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experiences and ideas
Visual Arts Standard 3: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas
[K-4] Students select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning
[K-4] Students explore and understand prospective content for works of art
[5-8] Students use subjects, themes, and symbols that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values, and aesthetics that communicate intended meaning in artworks
Visual Arts Standard 4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
[K-4] Students know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various cultures
[K-4] Students demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in making and studying works of art
Visual Arts Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others
[K-4] Students understand there are various purposes for creating works of visual art
Visual Arts Standard 6: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines
[K-4] Students identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum
Ancient Greece
Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Line, Proportion/Size, Rhythm/Pattern, Space
Chalk, Marker, Pastel
History/Social Studies
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