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Early [PK-K] Lesson Plan

Letters in Color

Created on September 10, 2013 by Karimarie

Students will learn about Jasper Johns a Pop Artist, and learn that Pop Artists like to paint popular things, like numbers. Students will be introduced to Primary Colors and Secondary Colors. Students will learn the Primary Colors can be mixed together to create the secondary colors (Green, Orange, Purple).

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2 sessions; 30 minutes per session

•Mix Primary Colors to create Secondary Colors

•Control paint so colors are mixed correctly and not over mixed

•Use of commonly seen things to create artwork

•Tag board

•Red, Blue and Yellow tempera paint


•Shaving Cream

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Day 1

•Students will learn about Jasper Johns and Pop Art. Students will learn Pop Artists used commonly seen objects to create art such as numbers, soup cans, and celebrities.
•Students will recall the primary colors and what they are. (Red, Blue, Yellow)
•Students will learn that the primary colors can be mixed to create the secondary colors( Blue + Yellow=Green, Red + Blue=Purple, Yellow + Red=Orange)
•Students will be given a letter from an envelope and that will be the letter they will have to draw. Students will use number template to put number on tag board.

•To practice drawing numbers students will have shaving cream placed in front of them. The teacher will call out letters and students will draw that letter. The teacher will also call out creative directions such as. What can you turn the letter B into?

Day 2

•Students will review Pop art and artist Jasper Johns
•Students will review Primary and Secondary colors
•Students will be shown how to mix the colors without over mixing so the colors stay bright and vibrant. Students will begin their own number in color painting using tempera paint.

•Students will be able to define Primary and Secondary Colors

•Students can mix Primary Colors to create Secondary Colors


Visual Arts Standard 1:
Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

[K-4] Students know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes
[K-4] Students describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses
[K-4] Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Visual Arts Standard 3:
Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

[K-4] Students explore and understand prospective content for works of art
[K-4] Students select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning

Visual Arts Standard 4:
Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

[K-4] Students know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various cultures

Jasper Johns

Pop Art



English/Language Arts