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Curriculum [Conversation]

Calder Lesson Plan

Started on Apr 14, 2012 by SusanStriker
Last post on Feb 09, 2013

I read Bobby McFerrin's Calder illustrated Don't Worry, Be Happy while playing McFeerin's song of the same name. Inspired by Calder’s cheerful free form shapes, spirals and heavenly bodies, we do paintings in red, yellow and blue, later outlining shapes with black Sharpie.

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  • ArtEngine 02/09/2013 at 03:17pm
    Wow! Susan Striker. Your are an inspiration to me, my curriculum and teaching style. I now sing more often to my early childhood students and they respond positively to directions offered in song. Whenever in doubt, I read over your text and I quickly find a focus and direction to navigate my learning objectives. Thank YOU!